6 location on the face of your health status
The acne on the face is a problem that can not be avoided in both men and women. But how do you know that they can tell you to know about your health situation? Please follow the following interpretation, because the position of those before.

1. Forehead
- Top:
Related to the digestive system because of the food you eat is not very useful to the body. So please turn to eating antioxidants such as green tea, water fruit wedge Burton.
- The following sections:
It is caused by irregular sleep blood frustrating traffic. To solve this problem, you should go to bed the evening before 11 pm and try to make yourself feel good through long bath cinema vapors or meditation.
2. On the nose:
Born on the nose is related to the heart, it can happen because of abnormal blood pressure and stress. You should find plenty of leisure time, more than just good.
3. On the street:
Indicate liver problems from eating foods that contain a lot of fat or drink alcohol. So just stop these activities, you will be able to solve it.
4. On the ear:
Before the ear reveal the identity related to the kidney or bladder, and it is caused by eating too little water, salt intake too much or too much caffeine. Increase water intake to kidney into cleaning and reduce the salt or caffeine.
5. On the right cheek:
Is related to the lungs caused by breathing distress of smoking. So the only way is to avoid smoking or inhaling smoke from others.
6. Around the mouth:
- On the mouth or the middle of the chin from the stomach and small bowel involvement. It is caused by too much fast food intake or from constipation symptoms. For this reason, you should try to eat fresh foods rich in fiber.
- On the sides of the chin from the bladder and sexual organs. It could be related to menstrual hormones are not equal or kidney from doing too much.
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