Easy way to get rid of the haystack, yellow and white teeth
Yellow teeth are the concerns of people of all ages smile can cause loss of beauty and confidence. Do not worry! Here is a simple natural way to get rid of the yellow haystack and white teeth.
1. Orange bark
Clean your teeth with fresh orange skin is able to clear the haystack yellow teeth. Tyre by rubbing lemon on your teeth every night before bed. Vitamin C and calcium in orange crust will fight against those clots. This is probably a couple of weeks to see results.
2. Bark fruit Strawberry
Strawberry contains a lot of vitamin C, which helps make teeth. Milling strawberries in a bowl, then paste it on the teeth. If you've done it a couple of times every day in a short time will be able to get rid of the yellow mark on it.
3. Lemons
The most easy way to get rid of the yellow mark is lemons. Mix the water with a lemons of salt in the appropriate amount and bring the mixture to brush. A valve after then wash your mouth with water. Do this every two weeks to get rid of this problem.
Salt is the best agent in the teeth and it also helps fill the lost minerals in teeth. Using salt to brush their teeth every morning instead of toothpaste.
Salt is the best agent in the teeth and it also helps fill the lost minerals in teeth. Using salt to brush their teeth every morning instead of toothpaste.
4. Salt
5. Leaf, Cardamom
Remove leaves, cardamom, enough to have borne the necessary room to dry and grind into a powder mixed with regular toothpaste to brush. Cardamom has a special ability to get rid of yellow teeth, scars good shallow, and can also prevent tooth decay.
6. Apple
Eating apples is very useful because the apple bite dental friction with apples such as toothpaste. So, try eating an apple or two fruits every day will be able to clear the yellow haystack.
7. Coal
Coal is a traditional medicine which is recognized as the best for dental problems because coal contains crystal yellow teeth. How to use coal grinding into powder and mixed with toothpaste brush usually do this every day, you will see results.
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