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Apple fruit can help do some of their health?

Apple fruit can help do some of their health?

          Everybody also likes to eat fruits, especially apples, the fruit easy to find and affordable. But there are very few people who know the benefits of apple tasted and it's health care .

1. Make teeth white and healthy:

         Apple can not really replace the brushes, brush your teeth, but the bite and chew apples may help reduce corruption teeth, it can kill certain bacteria from the mouth.

2. Against all types of cancer:

         Studies have shown that the substance contained in the apple skin against cancer cells in the liver, colon and breast well.

3. Reduce the risk of diabetes:

Apples contain soluble fiber, which can and can protect an increase in blood sugar levels.

4. Reducing cholesterol is not good:

         National fiber in apples into binding with fat in the intestines, which can have a lower level cholesterol and make you healthy.

5. Heart condition better

          Phenol compounds found in apples can also prevent cholesterol into your body not to freeze Red blood vessels as well as it can not obstruct the flow of blood flow to the heart.

6. Weight:

          Eating fruit 1 apple a day can help you lose weight quickly, and does not affect the health of others.

7. Treating diarrhea and constipation:

          If you're having trouble bowel fiber found in apples can help you, because it is possible to push water your colon to everything good in the process, as well as be able to absorb excess water waste out of the body to slow the action of your colon.


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